Customized medicines to meet the distinctive needs of pets and animals

Medicating Your Pet – A Daily Struggle

Have you ever been clawed by a cat when trying to give them medicine or thought you had gotten a pill down a dog’s throat, only to see them spit it out?

Veterinarians Have Some Limitations and Overcome Them

Veterinarians have a much smaller pharmacopeia available than human practitioners. However, human medication can be used in animals, where there is no corresponding medication licensed for that species. This practice is permitted by the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994.

Boulevard Compounding Pharmacy Veterinary Compounding Solutions

Compounded veterinary medicines from Boulevard Compounding Pharmacy offer you a better way to medicate your pet patients. Custom medication compounding helps you provide pets with the exact dose they need in a form that works best for the pet owner and their pet. It can also help reduce the daily stress of medication time. Working with you, using pharmaceutical-grade chemicals and specialized equipment not found in most pharmacies, we can flavor medications pets will love, prepare them in easily delivered forms, from chewable treats to concentrated liquids, transdermal creams, and powders, and create combinations of medicines in sustained release forms, unavailable anywhere else.

Click here to access our Veterinarian Commonly Prescribed Formulations

Common Compounded Treatments

  • Behavioral Disorder
  • Canine Incontinence
  • Canine Seizures
  • Feline Hyperthyroidism